About me.

Creativity and learning new concepts are two of my greatest passions. I was specialised in Product Marketing, a position where I was constantly working with developers.

Step by step I started to feel I really wanted to know more about how to actually make the product, how to code it. That is why in 2019 I made a step forward towards a career in front-end development, with a 4-months-highly intense bootcamp that trained me to be a fast learner and quickly adapt to work in different teams, ADALAB.

ADALAB is a 4-months-bootcamp targeted to include women in the tech market. Here not only have I learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, React or control of versions with Git, but team cooperation, scrum and agile techniques and how to trust on myself as a programmer.

Since July 2019 I am a member of the Epiphany RBC team, a research-based consultancy company. At my role as Frontend Developer, I code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python, with the purpose of delivering mobile-friendly and innovative customer surveys for top-notch international companies.
